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At Pimp Your Show (“Pimp Your Show” or “our” or “we” or “us”), we share your concerns about privacy and the protection of your Personal Information. This Privacy Policy describes the steps we have taken and our practices regarding protecting your personal information. Personal information is information about an identifiable individual. (the “Personal Information”).


Our Privacy Policy allows you to reveal only such personal information. Our Privacy Policy will also enable you to access, modify, or entirely delete the Personal Information you have provided to us.

If you have not already done so, we encourage you to familiarize yourself with this Privacy Policy before using Pimp Your Show’s websites and/or mobile applications (collectively the “Websites”). The purpose of this Privacy Policy is to inform our visitors, guests, business customer representatives and other individuals with whom we deal (“you” and “your”) how we collect, use, disclose and protect your Personal Information. This Privacy Policy applies to our collection, use, disclosure and protection of your Personal Information in Canada. The Websites are owned and operated by Pimp Your Show, and this Privacy Policy also governs your dealings with Pimp Your Show and any of its associated brands.

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, or about our practices concerning Personal Information, if you wish us to stop communicating with you, or if you wish us to delete your Personal Information from our database, please notify us:

·    by email at


Personal Information We Collect


Pimp Your Show and its employees, servants, agents, contractors, service providers, partners and representatives may collect Personal Information under certain circumstances, such as:

·    Contact Information(e.g. name, home address, home or mobile telephone number or e-mail address);

·    Information relevant to a particular service you request

·    Survey Responses (e.g. when you provide your name to take advantage of various benefits of participating in a survey, or when you consent to us contacting you about your comments);


Use of Your Personal Information

We collect and use Personal Information for several purposes:

·    Contests/Benefits: Pimp Your Show may run contests with our various business partners and through our Websites. We require your name, address, telephone number, and e-mail address (for online entries). We may also require proof of your age to determine eligibility, prize notification and fulfilment, and related purposes in the contest. Contact information may be necessary to administer other benefits our visitors and /or guests have requested or accepted.

·    Surveys: Pimp Your Show will occasionally conduct surveys and market research, by telephone, in person or on our Websites. These surveys and market research may ask you about your entertainment preferences, your age, gender, region of residence or personal biographical or other information that may assist Pimp Your Show in understanding the intentions of its visitors and guests. Your participation in such surveys or market research is entirely voluntary, and, in some cases, you may be able to participate anonymously. Your contact information, including your name, address, telephone number and/or other Personal Information, may be required: (1) to permit you to enjoy bonuses or benefits which may be available to survey or market research participants (in which case your contact information will only be used for notification or fulfillment purposes); or (2) where you have provided your express consent to us contacting you to discuss comments that you made during our surveys and/or market research. Except as described in this Privacy Policy, survey and/or research responses are only used by Pimp Your Show on an aggregate basis.

Disclosure of Personal Information

Personal information collected by Pimp Your Show is not disclosed to other parties, except as follows:

·    We may share your Personal Information with outside parties who sponsor sweepstakes or other promotions, whether on our Websites or otherwise. However, we will not share your Personal Information with these parties except in accordance with this Privacy Policy.


In addition, Pimp Your Show may transfer Personal Information to outside agents, contractors, service providers or mandataries which perform services on our behalf (e.g. vendors’ fulfilment houses, surveys, market research and contest service providers etc., in which case we use contractual or other means to ensure that your Personal Information is protected and not used or disclosed for any purpose except: (i) as directed by Pimp Your Show; (ii) as permitted by this Privacy Policy; (iii) for which you are deemed to consent under the terms of this Privacy Policy; and/or (iv) as permitted or required by law.


Pimp Your Show may use your Personal Information and disclose to parties connected with the contemplated or actual financing, insuring, sale, assignment or other disposals of all or part of Pimp Your Show’s business or assets, including to permit such parties to determine whether to proceed or continue with such transaction or business relationship, to fulfill reporting, audit, legal and/or other requirements or, in the case of sale or assignment, the use and disclosure by those parties for substantially the same purposes as described in this Privacy Policy.

Pimp Your Show may also disclose personal information to meet legal, audit, regulatory, insurance, security or other requirements. Pimp Your Show does not disclose your Personal Information except (i) as permitted by this Privacy Policy; (ii) for which you are deemed to consent under the terms of this Privacy Policy; and/or (iii) as permitted or required by law.” and the Internet

The Websites have a primary worldwide web address(es) (also known as the “uniform resource locator” or “URL”) and consist of various webpages, which are owned and/or operated by Pimp Your Show and which are collectively known as “” The Websites consist of all content thereon and all other domain names, worldwide web addresses, uniform resource locators, URLs, and webpages solely owned and/or operated by Pimp Your Show and which link or otherwise connect to the Websites. On the Websites, visitors may register to receive customized information, enter contests, participate in polls or surveys or purchase products and/or services. Pimp Your Show does not collect Personal Information about you unless you choose to provide us with such information to purchase a service or product or participate in the online community and for which the provision of such Personal Information is necessary or reasonable.

Regarding External Links: As a convenience to you and other visitors, the Websites contain links to several third-party Websites or third-party webpages. These third-party Websites and webpages are not owned or controlled by Pimp Your Show, and this Privacy Policy does not apply to such Websites or webpages. Should you decide to navigate any Websites or web pages external to the Websites, you do so entirely at your own risk. The content on third-party websites or webpages and any external links on these websites are not investigated, assured, guaranteed, verified, monitored, recommended, or endorsed by Pimp Your Show. Pimp Your Show provides these links merely as a convenience to you and other visitors to these Websites, and the inclusion of such links does not imply that we endorse or recommend such Websites or webpages. We expressly disclaim any liability, obligation, or responsibility for the content or use of such third-party websites or webpages.


We use information that you provide to us on the Websites to facilitate your registration, understand the identity of our guests and the nature of their preferences, improve the content of the Websites, to customize the content and/or layout of our webpages for each visitor based on the information provided to us, to send you periodic newsletters and mailings that you request, to process your purchases and to conduct surveys, polls and contests. Pimp Your Show does not disclose Personal Information contained in our subscriber database to any third parties except (i) as permitted by this Privacy Policy; (ii) for which you are deemed to consent under the terms of this Privacy Policy; and/or (iii) as permitted or required by law.


We will only call individuals who provide us with their telephone numbers online concerning orders, contests or other products or services that they have requested online. Suppose you make inquiries about Pimp Your Show directly by e-mail or through our Websites. In that case, these inquiries are forwarded to the relevant department and are not used for other purposes or stored (other than maintaining a record of our correspondence with you).

Unsubscribe / Deletion Requests


Receiving an e-mail from us is optional when you register. If you initially choose to receive e-mail from us but subsequently choose not to receive e-mail from us, please follow the unsubscribe instructions on the Websites in our e-mail or contact us as indicated at the beginning of this Privacy Policy.



If you provide us with your mailing address, you may receive periodic mailings from us, or our business partners, with information on new products and services or upcoming events. If you do not wish to receive such mail from us, please change your preferences on the Websites, or contact us as indicated at the beginning of this Privacy Policy.


Online Profile

When you register on our Websites, make purchases, enter contests, respond to surveys, or otherwise participate in our online community, our servers may store your Personal Information, contact particulars or other information to facilitate site login, the automatic completion of forms and otherwise for your convenience. Suppose you prefer that we not store such information on our servers. In that case, you may select the appropriate option on the Websites (if that option is available) or contact us as indicated at the beginning of this.


Privacy Policy.

Registered users of our Websites may participate fully in our online community, even if they choose not to receive any e-mail or other communication from us; the information provided to us during registration is used to provide you with customized information, and a customized experience, on our Websites. If you wish your registration profile to be entirely deleted from our servers, you may contact us as indicated at the beginning of this Privacy Policy.

Information Storage

The nature of the internet is that it passively and automatically collects certain information about each individual’s use of the internet. This information may be associated with an individual’s Internet Protocol (“IP”) address. This is a unique internet “address” that is assigned to all internet users by their Internet Service Provider (“ISP”). Our server logs record statistical information, such as visitors’ IP addresses, type of operating systems, time and duration of visit, webpages requested, and identifying categories of visitors by items such as domains and browser types. Pimp Your Show only uses these statistics on an aggregate basis for us to improve our Websites.


Our websites use both “sessional” and “persistent” cookies. Cookies are small text files offered to your computer by Web servers to keep track of your browser settings as you navigate the site. Persistent cookies are stored on your hard drive. Sessional cookies are stored in temporary (cache) memory and are deleted when you shut down your browser or turn off your computer. We use cookies to store your preferences, record session information such as language preferences, record user-specific information on what pages you access or visit, develop information about your preferences and interests, alert you to areas that we think might be of interest to you when you return to our site, record activity to provide better service when you return to our site, help rotate banner advertising to ensure that visitors are not repeatedly sent the same banner ads, and customize Websites content based on your browser type or other information you provide.

For each visitor to our Websites, cookies may be used by our server to recognize you where you have indicated your preference to be automatically logged in.

You may disable cookies using your browser’s settings. Please consult your browser’s help function for information on disabling cookies. Note that if you disable cookies, certain features of our Websites will not function to their fullest potential.

To try and bring you offers that are of interest to you, Pimp Your Show or its service providers place ads on our web pages. As a result of your visit to our site, or by clicking on these ads, we may collect passive information such as your domain type, IP address and clickstream data.

Your Consent

Consent to collect, use and disclosure Personal Information may be given in various ways. Consent may be expressed (e.g. orally, electronically, or on a form, you may sign describing the intended uses and disclosures of Personal Information) or implied (e.g. when you provide information necessary for a service you have requested (such as providing us with your name, phone number and/or email for use by our lost and found services), or in some circumstances where notice has been provided to you about our intentions concerning your Personal Information. You have not withdrawn your consent for an identified purpose, such as using an “opt-out” option. Permission may be given by your authorized representative (such as a legal guardian, a person having a power of attorney or a mandatary). By providing us with Personal Information, we will deem you to understand this Privacy Policy, and we will consider you to consent to our collection, use and disclosure of such Personal Information for the purposes identified or described in this Privacy Policy, if applicable, or otherwise at the time of collection. You may withdraw your consent to our collection, use and disclosure of Personal Information at any time, subject to contractual and legal restrictions and reasonable notice. Note that if you withdraw your consent to specific uses of your Personal Information, we may no longer be able to provide you with certain of our products or services.

Pimp Your Show does not disclose your Personal Information except (i) as permitted by this Privacy Policy; (ii) for which you are deemed to consent under the terms of this Privacy Policy; and/or (iii) as permitted or required by law. However, Pimp Your Show may be required or permitted under the statute, regulation or as otherwise at law or in equity to collect, use or disclose Personal Information without your consent (for example, in response to a court order or subpoena, or to comply with local or federal regulations, or to collect a debt owed to us).


We protect your Personal Information using physical, electronic or procedural security measures appropriate to the sensitivity of the information in our custody or control, including safeguards to protect Personal Information against loss or theft and unauthorized access, disclosure, copying, use, or user modification. Pimp Your Show and its employees, servants, agents, contractors, legal, accounting or other service providers, partners, representatives and mandataries who require access to your Personal Information to fulfill their job requirements will access your Personal Information. You transmit or provide all Personal Information entirely at your own risk.

Consent to Transfer

Pimp Your Show’s Websites are operated on equipment located in Canada. If you are located in the United States of America, the European Union or elsewhere outside Canada, please be aware that any information you provide to us will be transferred to Canada. By visiting, purchasing our products or services, participating in our online community and/or providing us with your Personal Information, you consent to this transfer. Regardless of your location, we shall protect your Personal Information using physical, electronic or procedural security measures appropriate to the sensitivity of the information in our custody or control, including safeguards to protect Personal Information against loss or theft, as well as unauthorized access, disclosure, copying, use, or modification. Please note that the Personal Information you provide to us will be held and used according to Canadian federal or provincial laws that exist from time to time and are applicable.

Note to Parents/Children’s Privacy

Protecting children’s privacy is important to us. For that reason, we do not collect information on our Websites from those children we know are under 13 years of age. In addition, no part of our Website is targeted to attract anyone under 13 years of age. We request that children under 13 years of age do not disclose or provide any Personal Information. If we discover such information, we will delete the child’s Personal Information from our records. If for any reason, we believe a user may be under the age of 13, we reserve the right to request proof of age of such user. If such evidence is not provided, or if it is discovered that a user is under the age of 13, all Personal Information of that user shall be deleted from our servers and associated systems. We reserve the right to limit and/or ban such users from our Websites.

Notwithstanding the preceding, Pimp Your Show may from time to time conduct, sponsor, co-sponsor or participate in contests and/or promotions that may be open to entrants of all ages, including children under the age of 13. During such contests and/or promotions, Pimp Your Show makes special efforts to encourage children to consult with their parents before providing Personal Information. In each case, parental consent must be obtained for any such entry or participation to be valid. Pimp Your Show also believes that parents should supervise their children’s online activities and consider using parental control tools available from online services and software manufacturers, to help provide a child-friendly online environment. These tools may also prevent children from disclosing their name, address, and other personal information online without parental permission. For additional information about parental control tools, please visit


Policy Changes


This Privacy Policy may be revised from time to time as Pimp Your Show deems necessary or advisable at its sole discretion. If we materially change our privacy practices, we shall notify you of such changes on our Websites; if necessary, we shall also update our Privacy Policy as it appears on our Websites. If our information practices change such that your privacy may be materially affected, we shall notify you of such changes on our Websites; if necessary, we shall also update our Privacy Policy as it appears on our Websites. You will continue to have the ability to opt-out of new non-essential uses or disclosures. Suppose you are concerned with how your Personal Information is used. In that case, we encourage you to bookmark this site and periodically review our Privacy Policy, or contact us as described below to obtain a current copy of our Privacy Policy.

Access, Correction and Contacting Us

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, or about our practices concerning Personal Information, if you wish us to stop communicating with you, or if you wish us to delete your Personal Information from our database, please notify us:

·    by email at:

·    Call us at 1-514-813-9590

·    or by mail at:

111-1830, Panet

Montreal, Quebec

H2L 0G1


Please clearly indicate the information that you wish to review or have changed. We will reply to your request as soon as reasonably possible.

© Pimp Your Show

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